Can a foreigner with a temporary residence for the purpose of family reunification work?
Foreigners from a third country who have obtained a temporary stay for the purpose of family reunification may not work...
READ THE ARTICLEForeigners from a third country who have obtained a temporary stay for the purpose of family reunification may not work...
READ THE ARTICLEEmployment of a third-country national According to Act No. 5/2004 Coll. on Employment Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Employment...
READ THE ARTICLEA business company is a legal entity that is established for the purpose of doing business. It can be created...
READ THE ARTICLEIf a citizen of the Slovak Republic acquired the citizenship of another state after 1.4.2022, he / she may request...
READ THE ARTICLEGiven the situation on the labor market, more and more employers are interested in the possibility of employing foreigners from...
READ THE ARTICLEThe most important law that regulates the stay of foreigners in the Slovak Republic is Act no. 404/2011 Coll. on...
READ THE ARTICLEWho can apply for a certificate of a Slovak living abroad According to Act no. 474/2005 Coll. is a Slovak living abroad...
READ THE ARTICLESlovak national who does not have a valid Slovak identity document can apply for a certificate of Slovak citizenship. The...