Residence permit for the spouse of Slovak citizen
Foreigner, who is husband / wife of the citizen of Slovak Republic may apply for permanent residence permit for five...
READ THE ARTICLEForeigner, who is husband / wife of the citizen of Slovak Republic may apply for permanent residence permit for five...
READ THE ARTICLEThe application for the registration of the trademark should be sent to Industrial Property Office of Slovak Republic, also an...
READ THE ARTICLEIf you conclude marriage on the territory of the Slovak republic and you need the marriage certificate but you are...
READ THE ARTICLEAccording to § 71 Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on value added tax (herein as “act on VAT”) electronic invoice is...
READ THE ARTICLEMaintenance obligation of parent towards child in practice is the most frequent maintenance obligation. Fulfillment of maintenance obligations of parents...
READ THE ARTICLEThe Civil Code recognizes two legal grounds of succession. It is possible to inherit (i) under the testament or (ii)...
READ THE ARTICLEIn recent years we have recorded a new trend in a number of new buildings, we are increasingly face with...
READ THE ARTICLEParticulars of the divorce proceedings in Slovakia Particulars of the divorce proceedings are governed by Act no. 99/1963 Coll. of...