Establishment of civic association in Slovakia

The establishment of civic associations governs Act no. 83/1990 Coll. on Association of Citizens. Membership is open to both natural and legal persons whose rights and obligations regulate the articles of association (statutes).

Registration of civic association in Slovakia

The mere associations are legal entities and are formed by registration. The application for registration of the association submit at least three citizens who make up the preparatory committee. At least one member of the preparatory committee must be older than 18 years. Annex to the application for registration are the articles of association that are submitted in duplicate. To the essential issues of the articles of association the Act states: association name (the name of the association shall be different from the name of the entity conducting business activities in Slovakia), 

  • office (address)
  • aim of its activities
  • bodies of the association, method of their constitution, designation of bodies and officials authorized to act on behalf of the association
  • provisions on organizational units, if they will be established and if they will act on their own behalf
  • principles of management

The application for registration shall be submitted to the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. If the Ministry does not find a ground for refusal of registration, it shall perform the registration within 10 days from the beginning of the proceedings and in this period shall send the plenipotentiary of the preparatory committee one copy of the articles of association where it marks the date of registration which is the date of departure. Decision on the registration is not issued. The Ministry notifies the formation of the association, its name and address within 7 days after the registration to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.

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Civil association establishment in Slovakia

I am from Germany and I am currently living in Kosice. I would like to establish a civil association here...

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