Request for Birth, Baptismal, Marriage, and Death Certificates (not only) for Ancestors

Whether for the purpose of applying for Slovak citizenship by descent or for other purposes, our law office can request a birth, marriage, baptismal or death certificate (not only) from your ancestors.

For this purpose, do not hesitate to contact us at or by phone at +421 915 046 749.

od 360 € incl. VAT
30 days
I am interested

In order to prepare and submit an application for these documents, we would need as much information as possible about your ancestors, especially:

For obtaining a birth certificate or baptismal certificate:

  • Name and surname of the person being searched for
  •  Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Information about parents (names, dates of birth, dates of death)
  • Religion

 For obtaining a marriage certificate:

  • Name and surname of the groom and bride
  •  Date of marriage
  • Place of marriage
  • Religion of the groom and bride

 For obtaining a death certificate:

  • Name and surname of the deceased
  • Date of death
  • Place of death
  • Religion

Office Fees

 In addition to the fee for our law firm’s services, there is a fee of €3.00 for obtaining an extract from the birth, marriage, death, or baptismal register for private purposes, if you also require certification + €3.00 according to the Tariff of Act No. 145/1995 Coll., item 4b, e. The archive does not collect a fee for an extract for official purposes. The competent registry office will collect it. They will prepare the relevant registry document from the archive materials and request the applicant to pay the appropriate fee and collect the registry document.

We also cooperate with genealogists. If you need to find a census sheet, birth certificate or other document, do not hesitate to contact us at

References from clients

I engaged AKMV Laf Firm for assistance with renewal of my temporary residency. As expected, the process was not entirely straightforward, and the expert knowledge and experience of AKMV was crucial to both a successful application and providing reassurance to me with what could have been a stressful time. As such, I arrived at the Foreign Police with all the correct documentation and the application was made quickly and without difficulty. Follow-up requirements from the Foreign Police were quickly and precisely addressed by AKMV. The successful application was advised once approved. I have not hesitated to recommend AKMV to other foreigners and will seek their assistance for my immigration needs in the future.

Ross Cable

I Just wanted to say a big thank you for helping me get my residency here in Slovakia, Barbora and I appreciated it so much and I’m glad that I can be here with her and without worry! Thank you again for your hard work.

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