Purchase / sale of Slovak READY – MADE Llc.

Do you need to establish Slovak Ltd. quickly? Buy READY – MADE. The purchase of an already existing Ltd., provides an interesting solution especially for active businessmen, who are trying to avoid the quite complicated process of establishing a new Ltd. This way you are able to skip the process lasting several weeks. When the agreement of the transfer of share is signed, all that is left to do is notify the Business register of the changes.

from 800 € for a standard Ltd.
7 days from receiving information from client
I am interested to buy a READY-MADE company

During purchase / sale of READY – MADE Ltd., we will provide

  • complex legal consultancy,
  • draft of the agreement of the transfer of share,
  • file a motion regarding changes to Business register. 

Our legal office can offer company for sale, which:

  • has never carried out any business
  • is registered in the Business register and the Trade register of Slovak republic
  • has company number and tax number
  • has no liabilities or debts
  • has paid up its capital 

Sold Ltd. will have:

  • business name
  • arbitrary objects of business
  • office
  • executive manager
  • partners

Price list and fees

The selling price includes draft of all required documents regarding the trade, submitted to Trade register, Business register as well as to Tax office. The price also covers administrative free in the amount of 331,50 EUR.

We have a wide experience providing legal services, especially in the area of commercial law. We offer our legal services and consultancy to any Slovak based client, as well as to foreign or international subjects. Communication in foreign language is given. The office is equipped with qualified electronic signature, which saves your time and money communicating with public authorities. Moreover, thanks to our wide and advanced experiences from all legal areas, we are happy to become your partner in your further activities as well.

References from clients

252 reviews on Google

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