Latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic
This article includes an overview of the latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic.
READ THE ARTICLEThe changing of a company form, also known as the transformation of a Limited Liability Company form to a Joint Stock Company form, does not demand the dissolution of an original company since 2002 in the Slovak Republic. It is a difficult process and it requires the preparation and submission of several of documents at the institutions (the Trade Licence Office, the Commercial Register and the Tax office, etc.)
The amendment of the Commercial Codex brought around “the principle of unqualified change of a company form to any other company form or cooperative society. It could cause a different position of members and different legal relations in a company. The legislation demands mountains of conditions and requirements for it.
In accordance to the Commercial Codex, the one requirement is the agreement of all members, unless otherwise agreed between parties or laid down by statement. Also it includes a written statement of the authorized representative of a company which has to includes reasons of the transformation and notification to creditors about the transformation.
The best advantage of the transformation of a Limited Liability Company to a Joint Stock Company is the option to keep the business name of a company, the date of establishment of a company, and identification numbers (IČO, DIČ, IČ DPH).
I am the executive of the Slovak legal entity. I was informed that my company has a mailbox at www.slovensko.sk and I have to...