Latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic
This article includes an overview of the latest legislation related to virtual currencies in the Slovak Republic.
READ THE ARTICLEWe will provide you with the virtual office at the seat of our Law Firm, at the address: Račianske mýto 1/A, 831 02 Bratislava.
A virtual Office provides a very convenient option for your businesse asit significantly saves costs compared with office rental. For example, it is a popular solution for beginners as well as foreign entrepreneurs who run their own business from home, another district or abroad.
The price for a virtual seat is 600 EUR / year.
With the provision of a Virtual Office we have a lot of good experience because it now uses a larger number of entrepreneurs. Moreover, as an experienced Law Firm in the Slovak market, we can support you in any of your other business activities.
I am from Germany and I am currently living in Kosice. I would like to establish a civil association here...
READ THE REPLYI am the executive of the Slovak legal entity. I was informed that my company has a mailbox at www.slovensko.sk and I have to...